15 Signs The Guy You're Dating Isn't The Woke Bae He Thinks He Is

So, you've been on a few dates with this guy and he seems to be the perfect catch. But hold up, have you noticed any red flags? Is he really as woke as he claims to be? Before you dive in headfirst, take a moment to consider if his actions align with his words. If you're unsure, check out this insightful review of a popular hookup app that might give you some clues: Victoria Milan: A Review of the Popular Hookup App. It's always better to be safe than sorry!

Dating in the modern age can be both exciting and challenging. With social justice movements gaining momentum, many people are seeking partners who are socially conscious and aware of important issues. However, it's not uncommon for individuals to present themselves as "woke" or socially aware when they're actually not. If you're dating someone who claims to be a "woke bae" but their actions tell a different story, here are 15 signs to look out for.

He's Uninterested in Learning About Social Justice Issues

A truly woke individual is always eager to learn and educate themselves about social justice issues. If the guy you're dating shows little interest in learning about topics like racial inequality, gender discrimination, or LGBTQ+ rights, it may be a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims to be.

He Makes Insensitive Comments

One of the most obvious signs that someone isn't as woke as they claim to be is when they make insensitive or offensive comments. Whether it's a racially charged joke or a dismissive remark about gender identity, these comments reveal a lack of understanding and empathy for marginalized communities.

He Doesn't Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship, especially when it comes to issues of consent and personal space. If the guy you're dating consistently crosses your boundaries or dismisses your feelings, it's a red flag that he may not truly understand the importance of consent and respect.

He Doesn't Support Social Justice Causes

A truly woke individual is actively involved in supporting social justice causes. Whether it's attending protests, donating to organizations, or volunteering their time, someone who is genuinely committed to social justice will be actively engaged in making a difference.

He's Defensive When Called Out

When someone is truly committed to social justice, they are open to feedback and willing to reflect on their actions. If the guy you're dating becomes defensive or dismissive when you try to address problematic behavior, it's a sign that he may not be as woke as he claims to be.

He Doesn't Acknowledge His Privilege

Understanding and acknowledging privilege is a key component of being socially aware. If the guy you're dating fails to recognize his own privilege and the ways in which it impacts his worldview, it may indicate a lack of true understanding of social justice issues.

He Doesn't Listen to Marginalized Voices

A woke individual understands the importance of amplifying marginalized voices and listening to their experiences. If the guy you're dating dismisses or ignores the voices of marginalized communities, it's a clear sign that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims to be.

He Uses Social Justice as a Performance

Some people use social justice as a way to gain social capital or appear "woke" to others. If the guy you're dating only engages in social justice issues for show or to impress others, it's a sign that his commitment to these causes may not be genuine.

He Doesn't Educate Himself

Being socially aware requires continuous education and self-reflection. If the guy you're dating shows little interest in educating himself about social justice issues and relies on others to do the emotional labor, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be superficial.

He Doesn't Challenge Problematic Behavior

A truly woke individual is not afraid to challenge problematic behavior, even when it comes from friends or family. If the guy you're dating remains silent in the face of problematic behavior or actively participates in it, it's a clear indication that his commitment to social justice is lacking.

He Doesn't Support Your Activism

If you're passionate about social justice and activism, a truly woke partner will support and uplift your efforts. If the guy you're dating is unsupportive or dismissive of your activism, it's a sign that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims to be.

He Gaslights Your Concerns

Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation that can be especially damaging in relationships. If the guy you're dating dismisses or invalidates your concerns about social justice issues, it's a red flag that he may not be as empathetic or understanding as he claims to be.

He Prioritizes His Comfort Over Growth

Being socially conscious often means stepping out of one's comfort zone and confronting uncomfortable truths. If the guy you're dating prioritizes his own comfort over personal growth and understanding, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be superficial.

He Doesn't Advocate for Change

A truly woke individual actively advocates for change and works towards dismantling systems of oppression. If the guy you're dating shows little interest in advocating for structural change or challenging oppressive systems, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be lacking.

He Doesn't Take Accountability

Lastly, a truly woke individual takes accountability for their actions and is willing to make amends when they cause harm. If the guy you're dating consistently deflects blame or avoids taking responsibility for his actions, it's a clear indication that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims to be.

In conclusion, dating someone who claims to be socially conscious can be challenging, especially if their actions don't align with their words. If you're seeing any of these signs in the guy you're dating, it may be time to reassess the relationship and consider whether his commitment to social justice is genuine. Remember, it's important to surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support your values, especially when it comes to important issues like social justice.